Supporting our local community is important to us. Here are some of the organizations we are involved with or support in some way:
Fraser North Farmers Market Society
The Fraser North Farmers Market Society, originally named the Haney Farmers Market Society, was established in 2004 to encourage a healthy community. FNFMS is a registered not for profit society that manages two farmers markets: the Haney Farmers Market in Maple Ridge and the Port Coquitlam Farmers Market in Port Coquitlam. The Haney Farmers Market attracts over 45,000 shoppers over their 29 week market season and the Port Coquitlam Farmers Market welcomes over 20,000 shoppers during their 19 week season.
Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation
Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation is a non-profit registered charity investing in better health through community partnerships. The Foundation is changing lives and saving lives at Ridge Meadows Hospital, Baillie House, McKenney Creek Hospice, Gardenview Pavilion, Home and Community Care, Health Promotion and Prevention, and Mental Health and Addiction Services.
Maple Ridge Community Foundation
Maple Ridge Community Foundation (MRCF), established in 1976, manages a permanent endowment in order to respond to emerging and changing community needs today and in the future. This allows the Foundation to be able to provide a vehicle and service for donors with varied interests and at various levels of charitable giving.
MRCF accumulates capital through gifts from individuals, families, and businesses. The annual investment income on this capital is granted to charitable organizations in Maple Ridge that address needs in education, health, recreation, the environment and the arts. Since its inception, Maple Ridge Community Foundation has contributed tens of thousands of dollars in grants back to local non-profit organizations.
HUB Cycling is a charitable not-for-profit organization that has spent over 20 years removing barriers to cycling in Metro Vancouver, while cultivating the health, environmental, and economic benefits that active transportation can bring. HUB has educated thousands of people, motivated thousands more, and championed improvements that #UnGapTheMap to create a connected cycling network.
HUB Cycling’s local committees, including the Committee for Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows, meet regularly to discuss and advise on cycling issues specific to each municipality.
Alouette River Management Society
The Alouette River Management Society (ARMS) was formed as a society in 1993 with a primary focus to negotiate with BC Hydro to increase the river’s base flow from the Alouette Dam. Since 1996, ARMS has become involved in almost all aspects of watershed stewardship, including education, inventory and monitoring, habitat restoration and lobbying for the protection of aquatic habitat. ARMS is extremely active in the community and often attends private properties in order to assist landowners with the implementation of sound stewardship practices on their land.
ARMS continues to play a prominent advocacy role in the community as well as being actively involved in watershed enhancement and restoration initiatives through various partnerships that have been formed over the years. Today ARMS greatest pride is the high caliber education programs that are offered to members of our community.